1. Objectives

  • Learn how to design a saturating BCD counter.

  • Learn how to measure user response time.

  • Finalize the reaction timer experiment.

2. Materials Required

  • An FPGA prototyping board.

  • Design and simulation software tools.

  • Seven-segment display interface module.

3. Background

In the previous experiment, we have built a random delay counter, which waits for a random number of seconds before turning on an LED for the player to see and react by pushing a push button. Therefore, we need now to design the part that would measure the time between the LED turning on and the player pushing the push button. Then, we need to classify how fast the response of the player was.

3.1. Design Overview

The Functional Block Diagram of the Final System figure shows the functional design of the system. The white area highlights the blocks you are going to build in this part of the experiment.

Functional Block Diagram of the Final System
Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram of the Final System

We need to design a component that would count the number of seconds between the LED turning on and the time at which the push button is pressed by the user.

To simplify this task, we will measure the response time by counting using binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers rather than binary numbers, which means we can display the value of the counter to the player easily.

We will use a saturating counter, which is a counter that, upon reaching a preset maximum value, will stop counting rather than going back to zero. The counter is driven by a two_khz module that generates a 2-kHz signal; as a result, the counter has a half-a-millisecond accuracy, i.e. 500 µs. Once the counting stops, the output of the counter will be fed into a module that would classify the response time as fast, medium, or slow.

This design is illustrated in the Component Block Diagram figure below. In this experiment, we will implement these two components shown in the figure, and will integrate them with the previously implemented components to obtain a complete, functional system.

Component Block Diagram
Figure 2. Component Block Diagram

3.2. Building a Saturating BCD Counter

Cascaded BCD Counters

Recall from experiment 9 (Building a Digital Timer) that a BCD counter is a mod-10 counter, and that BCD counters may be cascaded, such that when a digit counter reaches the maximum digit value of 9, it resets back to 0, and increments the counter of the next more significant digit. For more details, refer to experiment 9 manual.

The Verilog Module for a Two-Digit Saturating BCD Counter below shows how to build a two-digit saturating BCD counter, which will count from zero up to 99, and stop at 99 until it is reset using the reset input signal. Once this counter reaches the value of 99, the only way to get it out of that state is to reset it.

Observe how the two-digit counter in this example is built by cascading two one-digit BCD counters.

Verilog Module for a Two-Digit Saturating BCD Counter
module bcd_counter_1d (
    input clock, reset, enable,
    output eq9, reg [3:0] q);

    assign eq9 = q[3] & q[0];
    always @(posedge clock)
    if (reset)
        q <= 4'b0000;
    else if (enable)
        if (eq9)
            q <= 4'b0000;
            q <= q + 1;

module saturating_bcd_counter_2d (
    input clock, reset, enable,
    output eq99, [3:0] q1, q0);

    wire eq9_0, eq9_1, enable_0, enable_1;

    assign eq99 = eq9_0 & eq9_1;
    assign enable_0 = enable & ~eq99;
    assign enable_1 = enable_0 & eq9_0;

    bcd_counter_1d bcd_0 (clock, reset, enable_0, eq9_0, q0);
    bcd_counter_1d bcd_1 (clock, reset, enable_1, eq9_1, q1);

In this experiment, we will need a three-digit saturating BCD counter.

3.3. User Response Comparator

The response comparator is the component that we will use to compare the value of the counter at the time of the user response against a standardized table that maps the response time to a response speed class (fast, medium, or slow).

Once the user presses the measure push button, the counter should stop counting, and the response comparator circuit will check the value of the counter and evaluates the user response time.

The comparator will generate the following three signals to categorize the user response time:


if the user response time is less than 400


if the user response time is 400 or greater but less than 800


if the user response time is between 800 and 999

Combinational logic can be designed to generate the three signals. Two K-maps can be used to derive the equations for the medium and slow signals. Then, the equation for the fast signal can be derived based on the other two signals.

The input of this circuit is the most significant digit (MSD) only of the three-digit saturating BCD counter (i.e., q2).

4. Tasks

4.1. Design a Three-Digit Saturating BCD Counter

  1. Write a Verilog module for a three-digit saturating BCD counter using the following module declaration:

    module saturating_bcd_counter_3d (
        input clock, reset, enable,
        output eq999, [3:0] q2, q1, q0);
  2. Simulate your three-digit saturating BCD counter and verify its correct functionality.

4.2. Build the Response Time Comparator

The response time comparator circuit determines whether the user’s response is fast, medium, or slow. See the User Response Comparator section for details.

  1. Using two K-maps, derive the equations of the medium and slow signals. Then, deduce the equation of the fast signal.

  2. Write a Verilog module to model the response time comparator circuit using the following module declaration:

    module response_speed (
        input [3:0] q,
        output fast, med, slow);
  3. Simulate the response_speed module and verify its correct functionality.

4.3. Integrate the Reaction Timer Modules

The Reaction Timer Verilog Module, reaction_timer, below integrates the following modules: - saturating_bcd_counter_3d - response_speed - delay_counter, from experiment 10 (part 1 of this experiment).

along with other modules.

Reaction Timer Verilog Module
module reaction_timer (
    input clock, reset, start, measure,
    output led, [7:0] seg, [3:0] an);

    wire [3:0] q2, q1, q0;
    wire reset2 = reset | start;
    wire clock_2khz, measure_q, error, error_q, eq999, fast, med, slow;

    delay_counter m1 (clock, reset, start, led);
    two_khz m2 (clock, reset2, clock_2khz);

    assign error = ~led & measure;
    dff m3 (clock, reset2,  measure, 1'b1, measure_q);
    dff m4 (clock, reset2, error, 1'b1, error_q);

    assign enable = clock_2khz & led & ~measure_q;
    saturating_bcd_counter_3d m5 (clock, reset2, enable, eq999, q2, q1, q0);
    response_speed m6 (q2, fast, med, slow);
    display7seg m7 (clock, reset2, q2, 4'b0000, q0, q1, seg, an,
                    slow, med, fast, error_q, measure_q, 1'b0, 1'b1);

For the two_khz module, you can use the following Verilog Module for Generating a 2 kHz Signal.

Verilog Module for Generating a 2 kHz Signal
module two_khz (
    input clock, reset,
    output clock_2khz);

    reg [15:0] counter;
    assign clock_2khz = (counter == 16'hc34f);
    always @(posedge clock)
        if (reset || clock_2khz)
            counter <= 0;
            counter <= counter + 1;

For the display7seg module, use the DISP7SEG.v file that will be given to you in the lab.

  1. Implement the reaction_timer module on the FPGA.

    1. The signals seg and an should be connected to the seven-segment display unit.

    2. The clock signal should be connected to the board’s system clock (pin V10 on the FPGA).

    3. The start and measure inputs are the two push buttons that the user will use.

  2. Test the correct operation of your circuit.

    1. Press the reset button.

    2. Press the start button, which will load the down counter with a random number of seconds between 0 and 3. Once this random number of seconds elapses, the LED will light. Once the LED signal is 1, the counter will start counting and will stop once you hit the measure button.

    3. Press the measure button as soon as you see the LED light. Before pressing the measure button, you will see the count displayed on the seven-segment display unit. Once you push the measure button, the classification of your speed will be displayed on the seven-segment display unit. If you press the measure button before the LED is on, an error message will be displayed.

  3. Answer the following questions:

    1. Why are the measure and error signals stored in flip-flops (dff) to obtain measure_q and error_q?

    2. Why is the enable signal, that is used to enable the counter, implemented as:
      enable = clock_2khz & led & ~measure_q ?

    3. Why is the reset2 signal, which is used for resetting all components except the delay_counter, implemented as:
      reset2 = reset | start?

5. Grading Sheet

Task Points

Design a three-digit saturating BCD counter + Simulation

15 + 5

Build the response time circuit + Simulation

15 + 5

Integrate the reaction timer modules


Lab notebook and discussion