
PATENT Details

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02 United States Patent / Name: System and Method for Inverse Halftoning

Patent No. US 2011/0051198 A1
Patent Date: March 03, 2011

Sadiq Mohammed Sait, Dhahran (SA)
Umair Farooq Siddiqi, Dhahran (SA)

Appl. No: 12/585,049

Filed: Sep. 1, 2009

Abstract: The system and method for inverse halftoning using a partitioning look-up table (LUT) provides an improvement on a conventional LUT method for inverse halftoning, and a hardware implementation thereof. The method includes the partitioning of the single LUT into N smaller look-up tables (s-LUTs). After partitioning, N s-LUTs are generated, which can be stored in separate memory blocks, allowing parallel access to more than one s-LUT at any time. Such parallelization is not possible with only one LUT stored in a single memory block. Additionally, two ore more templates (represented as r templates) with different pixels at position 0 can be retrieved from the halftone image concurrently. Further, the contents of the single LUT are partitioned into N s-LUTs, thus the total entries in N s-LUTs are equal to the entries in the single LUT of the conventional LUT based method of inverse halftoning.

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01 United States Patent / Name: Content-Aware Congestion Control System

Patent No: US 7,688,725 B2
Date of Patent: March 30, 2010

Muhammad Rehan Sami, Dubai, AE
Abdul Waheed, Santa Clara, CA, US
Sadiq Sait Mohammed, Dhahran, SA

Assignee: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, SA

Application No.: 11/672,155
Filed: February 07, 2007

Abstract: A content-aware congestion control scheme for software MPLS routers enables the MPLS routers to discard packets with less important content when there is congestion in the network. By employing such content-aware congestion control, the overall quality of multimedia content is not significantly affected, enabling graceful degradation of quality using a Wavelet based compression technique. The MPLS router marks wavelet-based compressed multimedia packets as those containing important or less important contents of compressed and encoded frames. Such markings enable the MPLS router to make decisions according to the packet's priority. At times of congestion, this router restricts the rate of outgoing low priority traffic to allow high priority streams to maintain a gracefully degraded QoS for compressed multimedia content.

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