Final Report Template


  • Introduce the issue with which the project deals, e.g. rising cost of health care, environment, … etc.
  • Why is it an issue? supporting evidence; government statistics, news, magazine, or journal articles, etc.

Problem Statement

  • The problem the project is supposed to solve.
  • Why was the project conducted? why do we need it?
  • Project Impact: potential impact of the project on society locally and globally:
    • Positive impact.
    • Possible negative impact, due to misuse or unaccounted for risks.

Project Specifications

  • Customer/User requirements, functional and non-functional.
  • Technical specifications:
    • Derived from and maps to customer requirements.
    • Must be specific and testable. The product must meet all specifications.
    • Examples: speed, response time, range, accuracy.


For each team member, list:

  • Responsibilities: tasks managed by the team member.
  • Contributions: tasks contributed to by the team member.
  • Expertise: areas in which the team member is knowledgeable and often consulted.

Engineering Design

Completely document the project design. Use graphical illustrations as much as you can.


  • Sub-function identification
  • System architecture and components
  • Hardware vs. software components
  • Functions of each component
  • Interfaces between components

Design Decisions

  • Examined design options
  • Criteria for choosing the adopted design options
  • Tradeoffs

Component Design and Implementation

  • Off-the-shelf hardware and software components.
  • Custom hardware and software components, and justification for developing custom components.
  • Design and implementation of each component, e.g. flow chart, pseudocode.

System integration

  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Maintenance: how to keep the system operational


  • Problems, faults, bugs, challenges. For each issue, list:
    • The issue
    • Attempted, unsuccessful resolutions
    • Final resolution: solution, workaround, issue ignored
  • Limitations and constraints of the design.
  • Limitations and constraints of the implementation.

Engineering Tools and Standards

  • Relevant available tools, and for what purpose, e.g. simulators, emulators, boards, development environments, IDEs, debuggers, software frameworks … etc.
  • Used tools: which of the available tools are chosen, and why.
  • Relevant standards, and for what purpose, e.g. communication protocols, storage formats, component interfaces, specification languages … etc.
  • Used standards: which of the relevant standards are used, and why.


  • What was learned
  • What would you do differently in a similar project?
  • Conclusions