Senior Design Projects

Enhancing the Parallel N-Body Simulation Time on Intel MIC

This project is to enhance the performance of a parallel N-Body Simulation Program written in C with OpenMP directives for Intel MIC, a 60-core Xeon Phi available in the Robotics Lab. The N-Body simulation is an iterative procedure that repeatedly computes the gravitational forces among N bodies which cause the body motion. The brute force approach is (O(N2)). An approximation is applied to achieve O(N log(N)). The parallel program has three steps: (1) building the needed data structure based on knowledge of body positions, (2) parallel computation of the forces, (3) updating the position. About 90% of the parallel time is spend in step 2. The project is to (1) reduce the parallel time by tiling the massive data to enhance data locality (reuse), and (2) optimize the data structure to improve cache occupancy.

Advisors: Dr. Mayez Al-Mouhamed

Students: Abdullah Ibraheem Al-Shabanah, Adnan Mustafa Sawas, Rakan Hussain Yamani

Documents: Not available. Considered for publication

Autonomous Person-Following Robot

Autonomous robots have the capability of gaining information about the environment. They work without the need for human intervention for a long period of time. They can also adapt to changes in their surrounding environment. In order to assist elderly or disabled people in supermarkets, our goal is to design and build a robot that is capable of following them, and carry weight for them, to substitute for pushing a shopping cart.

Advisors: Dr. Muhamed Mudawar and Dr. Yahya Osais

Students: Husam Habarah, Adnan Alsinan, Abdulrahman Bataweel

Documents: Plan, Design Document, Design Slides, Final Report, Final Slides, Demo Video, Sources

Maximum Speed Indicator (‫عین‬)

Many people forget to keep an eye on their car’s speed while driving. That, in the best case, may cause them to be fined by Saher, or to cause an accident in the worst case.

Advisors: Mr. Kamel Chenaoua​ ​

Students: Jalal Majed Al-Rukhimi, Abdul-Aziz Abdul-Hadi Al-Amri, Hassan Abdulmonem Alshabaan

Documents: Plan, Design Document, Design Slides, Final Report, Final Slides, Demo Video, Sources